My name is Amanda, and this is my Testimony…

 Life Before Christ:

I grew up going to every VBS coming and going, attending church here and there, but never had a relationship with Christ. I always knew God was there and that there was right and wrong, but never had a conviction in my heart to follow the Lord. I married a guy that I had been dating for 2 years,  engaged to for 2 years. Three babies later, all under the age of 5, the stress of marriage, raising young children and everyday life Satan started attacking. I did not know that at the time, but I was under ATTACK!! My husband and I did not go to church, he was not interested in going, and unfortunately Satan won that battle. I found myself 30 years old, mother of 3 young children ages 7, 5, and 2 divorced!! 

To say the least I felt worthless, hopeless, and defeated. I can honestly say that I hit rock bottom. I was half way through nurse practitioner school and thought every day of quitting school, quitting life, and just disappearing.  My weekends consisted of numbing my feelings with alcohol, and the week I pushed through school, clinicals, and being a mom to my children.  I was always laughing and the life of the party on the outside, but on the inside I was depressed, numb, and really did not know if I wanted to continue on with life. 

Thankfully I have a wonderful friend who always asked me to church, or to church functions. Finally, after years of her asking--I mean she has been with me through my first marriage, all my pregnancies, my divorce, and my second marriage, I went to a lady's event with her and I felt something that I had not felt in a while. I know now that it was God!!!

I gave my life to Christ in April 2016 and WOW!!!! God has been moving in my life since. I remarried in 2014 and my husband and I both have a relationship with God first. This absolutely has changed our marriage!! God has walked with us through so much. The unexpected loss of my father in law to cancer. My father getting diagnosed with cancer, my mother having to have heart surgery, and much much more. No it has not been easy, but now I don't say "what if" I say EVEN IF!!!

And if not , HE IS STILL GOOD. Daniel 3:18