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The Children’s Ministry at The Grove is called the Treehouse. We have something for all ages.

The Children’s Ministry is located downstairs in the children’s wing. There you will be asked to complete a simple information form and a check-in process.

You will be given a card with your child’s name on it and only an adult over 18 who has the card will be allowed to pick-up the child.


Is located in the children’s area. For ages from 6 weeks to crawling age.

Children’s Classes

Children are precious to the Lord and they are precious to us!!! We have classes for children from crawling age up to 5th grade. 5th grade and above will go to the youth program called Rooted.

Our goal is to teach the children about God and His love for them while they learn more and more about His Word.

Children’s Church

During the 10:30 am Worship service we will have an opportunity for your child to learn more about Jesus during their own church service.

We will have crafts and time for them to worship God through singing and learning more about His Word.






The youth ministry at The Grove is based off of Colossians 2:6-7. It is important that as our youth are preparing for adulthood that they are rooted in the teachings of God’s Word.

The youth meet downstairs in the back hallway.