My name is Antonio, and this is my Testimony…

I believe Jesus Christ is my Creator, Lord, and Savior. Because a Biblical world view is valid and consistent. My faith isn't motivated by tradition, convenience, emotions, or groupthink. But rather through life experience and personal study. Learning about Him continues even today.

Being led to Christ started when I was a young child. My curiosity caused me to seek Him by asking questions about God and the church. I began attending church services in grade school and continued until early high school. Though I was baptized and confirmed, I knew very little about the Bible, the people involved, or its historicity.

After being confirmed, I walked away from Christ for many years. Without understanding the Bible, I assumed Christianity was a religion based on myth, created by a primitive ancient culture. Academia and modern western culture were a couple of the primary variables that influenced this development. Throughout my adolescence and young adulthood, I witnessed many events that are often defined as mere coincidences or dumb luck. Especially during my party phase, time in the military, and even now. My beliefs were initially atheistic, but my alignment gradually shifted to agnosticism.

My slow return to Christ began to take root while I was attending college, soon after finishing my enlistment. I decided to write a report about evolution for my biology class. Soon, I expanded my report to include creationism and intelligent design after learning of issues involving evolution. My knowledge of the Bible has increased exponentially since. The return journey had taken several more years as I stumbled aimlessly through life.

The internet provided an abundance of easily accessible information. As I attended school, I learned to navigate through material while referencing and citing sources. Being exposed to other points of view and interpretations helped develop my understanding of the Bible and God.

I had spent a lot of time researching topics associated with the Bible, but I hadn't read it much up until several years ago. I made an effort to read it from start to finish and try to understand it. From that point on, I read the Bible many times in various versions. I'll read from beginning to end and repeat the process with a different version. Each iteration expands my knowledge and understanding even further.

The Holy Spirit prompted me days before the pandemic lockdowns took effect. I believe it was a call and warning. I was spending a lot of time reading the Bible and studying similar topics, but I wasn't living a Christian life or involved with a church. That's changed, and I'm growing slowly. Sunday school, Sunday services, Bible study, and discipleship have aided me as I persevere. Spiritual battles have seemingly increased in intensity and frequency since I was baptized again with my current congregation.  A Christian life doesn't promise to be easy and materially prosperous. Our reward is the free gift of eternal life, given by the grace of God, who forgives our sins when we accept His son, Jesus Christ, as our Lord and Savior.