My name is Debby, and this is my Testimony…

I was born in Elizabethtown, KY to a family of 3. I got married at the age of 25. I would later go on to have 2 wonderful boys. I have a certificate which states I was baptized at age of 12. I don’t remember the moment I accepted Jesus into my heart or even my baptism from that age. You see, my memories of childhood, middle school, high school and some years beyond are very fuzzy or not even there.

Reason, I was involved in a motor vehicle accident in my late 30’s where I sustained a severe concussion and PTSD. This concussion made me lose most of my memories from that timeframe. I get glimpses occasionally of those years, but they are very vague. For as long as I can remember, I have always attended church, been involved with church, studied God’s Word, and seek him in all areas of my life.

In 2016, I was blessed to go on my first mission trip to the Philippines. This mission trip was such an eye opener for my life. I witnessed and experienced so many things. I not only got to witness and speak to many children and adults about The Gospel, I also was witnessed to and blessed greatly. I got to experience Jesus in a much different way than I have ever experienced. This mission trip changed my life and how I viewed my relationship with Jesus and those around me. When I came back from my trip, I had a fire in me that I had never experienced. This fire was my driving force to change my life even more for The Lord. I would go on to take my second mission trip to Philippines in 2017. This second trip was an even greater experience than the first. During both trips, I gained new friends, a second family and a closer walk with God. God blessed me to be able to go on both these mission trips and be a missionary for Him. Something I learned from these trips, we are ALL missionaries for God in some shape or form in our lives as long as we accept Him into our hearts, believe that HE can do all things and know no matter what — GOD is always with you!

I can say my life hasn’t been perfect. No one has a perfect life. Has my life been tested, YES, my life has been tested greatly. I have experienced things in my life which I without a doubt know that God was all over those things and making my life better for Him. My family and I have witnessed many miracles in our lives which we know were of God’s guidance alone. Has Satan tested our lives, absolutely. We know even though Satan was testing us, God was right there to protect us and guide us. My family and I have a personal relationship with Jesus. We have experienced and witnessed what God can do because of this personal relationship.

You may not have a personal relationship with God. I encourage you to seek and ask Him to be a part of your life. God has amazing and wonderful things in store for your life journey. God rescues us in order for us to act by faith for Him to show you what HE can do for you. God can use YOU for amazing things and ways through faith in HIM!

God Bless you now and forever more. Just remember, we have a forever home waiting for us in eternity, we just need to accept, believe, and have faith in God.