My name is Dixon, and this is my Testimony…

My name is Dixon Watford.  I grew up going to church even though I would not say if I was raised in a Christian home.  I was involved in the youth group at my church, and I did learn many things that have stuck with me through the ages, nuggets of wisdom if you will.  Even though I regularly attended church, I was not a Christian and would even be described as a wild child.

After my second trip to Iraq, my wife, Denise, and I settled into a local church.  I had the realization that I was a sinner and needed salvation.  I decided to make Jesus my Lord and Savior.  My grandparents told me the key to a successful marriage is to put God first in everything.  We began to take that advice and found our marriage was better than it had ever been.  After we transferred to KY, I began to get involved in the church and began to grow.  The things my youth pastors had taught me were coming back to my memory.  I began reading the Bible regularly and praying.  Life lessons were falling into place.

As a Christian, my life has purpose and meaning.  I used the years after I retired to be involved with the youth in my church and others in sharing the love of Christ.  I have peace in my life despite some circumstances that arise.  Life will not always be easy as a Christian, but it will have meaning and direction.

Sometimes when we are faced with difficult decisions or a major change in plans.  We have prayed that God would show us what he wanted us to do.  When we decided to sell the house to RV full time, we decided that we would only sell at certain price.  That number was based on Denise’s favorite verse.  Our house sold for that number to the first couple that looked at it.  The RV we bought was used and I learned after the fact that Covid built trailers were horrible quality, I had been only looking at new ones and on a whim one day, looked at Facebook marketplace.  There was an RV with everything I wanted for a good price.  This was a sign that God wanted us to go in this direction.

God has blessed us not so much financially, but with a good life full of blessings.