My name is Josh, and this is my Testimony…

I grew up in church and knowing about God. I had a pretty good upbringing. I never hurt or wanted for anything. Life got really hard when my mom passed away, June 23, 2001. I was 7. My dad was in the military, so we moved around a lot. I always made many friends and for the most part was pretty likable. My Uncle was a Preacher and on June 1, 2008, I gave my life to Jesus and was Baptized on Father’s Day just a few weeks later but I didn’t live a very Christian life.

My dream was to be a famous country music singer. As I followed that dream, I became rather successful. At 17 years old I was performing all around Kentucky and my hometown in West Virginia. I would record albums in Nashville too. I got involved with an Entertainment company out of Georgia called Sweet Southern Entertainment where I later signed with a publishing company and won 2012 Vocalist of the Year and Entertainer of the Year at the Country Music Hall of fame in Nashville, Tennessee. I thought for sure I was on the right track to living my dream… until I wasn’t.

I started hanging around the wrong people back home. I started letting my ego from past accomplishments get in the way. So much that I started performing less and less and was going in and out of jail. I found myself jobless and homeless and I had nobody to fall on because I’ve burnt so many bridges. I was sentenced to a year in jail where I served 2 months. While serving time I felt that something had to change. I felt God knocking on the door to my heart. I picked up the Bible and started reading about the end of time in Matthew 24. I couldn’t stop!

The day I got released from jail I was walking home, and I was talking with God. I came across a sign for The Grove Baptist Church and I remember telling God that I’d like to go there. I remember getting to my front door and one of my neighbors asked if I’d like to go to church that morning. I just walk several miles after spending 2 months in jail and hadn’t even walked in the door yet, but I just couldn’t say no. So, I got in his vehicle, and I asked him “what church are we going to?” He replied, “The Grove.” I was speechless!

That day, October 11, 2021, I gave my life to Christ again but this time it was for real. I got to experience God and learn who God is on my own accord that day. I experienced God using other people to show me love and forgiveness that day. I experienced God’s grace and mercy. I experience all of this every day!

God has blessed me with the opportunity to serve as the Worship Leader at The Grove. I serve by helping in the young adult’s class on Sunday mornings. I’m in a men’s discipleship group and I disciple another young man. I continue to grow every day. Most importantly, I have a relationship with a God who loves me, and I’ll get to spend eternity with him one day.

I couldn’t ask for a better life. It’s not always easy, I face many trials and tribulations day to day, but I don’t have to live life alone. I have a Lord and Savior I run to.

I’m just a NOBODY, trying to tell EVERYBODY all about SOMEBODY who saved my soul, and His name is JESUS CHRIST. I’m Josh Proctor and I am a child of a living God!