My name is Lauren, and this is my Testimony…

I grew up in Sweetwater, a small town where everyone knew everyone. My family has always been extremely close. I remember as a child asking Jesus into my heart at Bible school. I remember my heart beating out of my chest when the preacher was speaking about salvation. I almost felt as if I was floating as I walked to the alter. My mamaw and my preacher prayed with me that night as I accepted Jesus into my heart, but I feel it wasn’t till later I actually gave Jesus all of me.

I was young when I asked him into my heart and as I grew older, I never stayed in the word as I was supposed to so I could grow closer to God which led to backsliding. My parents got divorced in 2012 and this is when I chose the wrong paths. I got into bad relationships and looked to boys to feel voids inside of me that only Christ could fill. One of the relationships I got in actually caused me to have to move to different schools and I got pregnant. Out of fear I got an abortion. I was running from all the hurt and questions instead of just praying and facing all of it. The crazy part is I knew what I did and what I had been doing was wrong because I could feel that conviction because God did save me as a child, and He never left me even though I did him but I didn’t know WHY those things were wrong because I didn’t read the Bible and I didn’t have scripture in my mind and heart. I sadly can say I did not know abortion was murder because I didn’t know Gods word. I just kept running.

In 2015 God stopped me in my tracks. I had a car accident that put me in the hospital for almost 2 weeks. I was told I was going to have multiple surgeries and children would be rare for me to have after the damage to my pelvic area. BUT GOD. He showed me mercy and grace when I did not deserve it. I felt Him in those 2 weeks more than I had any other time. I knew he was getting my attention. After I got out of the hospital and recovered, I started bouncing from church to church to face all I have been running from. God blessed me in a miraculous way with my daughter in 2016 after being told I wasn’t going to have children and all the negative that would come with it and I also told myself I would never have children even if I could because of what I did but again Gods mercy and grace covered me, Praise God.

In 2019 is when I fully surrendered and got baptized. I repented and realized how broken I was. I now teach children about God; I teach young adults about not making the same mistakes as I did. I can say now I do stay in God’s word, and I do have a relationship with Him. I’m still growing, we all are and always will, but I can say I’m not that person running away from God I run to Him now. He’s my strength and he fills that void I spent most of my life filling with worldly things that do not last but just a moment.

God used my mistakes and past for His glory and in that it has taught me to not be afraid and to always know He is right there even when you’re running. I find peace in knowing He’s in full control and never late in His timing. He has changed me for the better. He loves me and He loves you. He’s waiting and all you have to do is let Him in.