My name is Paula, and this is my Testimony…

Jesus Christ's relationship with me began at birth. Unfortunately, I was a bit later catching up with Him. I was raised Catholic so going to church was a requirement and I learned all about God and Jesus and guilt! My mother had a phone line direct to the Pope so following the rules was paramount. I prayed canned prayers and prayed to saints representing everything from lost toys to selling houses (though that one works for a strange reason).

During college and the beginning of my career, I sort of left Jesus out. I knew He was there, but I didn't worry Him with the details of my life. He had better things to do than keep up with me!! I can't count on both hands and feet my string of bad decisions, one right after the other. At the time they did not seem "bad" just misunderstood by the general public.

Then in 2003 I had a car wreck that literally changed my life and showed me that God was tired of waiting around. He slapped me fully in the face and spun me on my heels. You would think I would have turned everything around and listened, but I knew better! Granted, I was AWARE that He was there, and I began to slowly talk with Him now and then about the weather etc. He predicted it better than any meteorologist for some reason.

Then I met Bobby, who patiently guided me through many "non-Catholic" principles like opening the Bible to read it and maybe even writing in it (ha who am I kidding, I still don't do that).  I began to realize that I could talk to God and hear Him as well. I could tell him I was sorry, and I messed up and each time He would forgive me, time and time again.

So, we found a church to worship together and as I read more of the gospels (starting with John like all good Christians) I quickly learned that it's not about Catholic, Baptist, Methodist or any other denomination. It's about believing who Jesus really was, the biblical description, about understanding that He gave His life so I could have one, knowing He was fully resurrected and remembering that He will return as promised. He has kept ALL His promises.

So, I chose to be baptized again because I wanted to have an outside sign of the change inside. Even if I was 42. So now, I talk to Him every day and we rarely discuss the weather. I ask for His guidance and help. I ask Him questions. Our relationship is a friendship, but His part is way outdone. I could never repay Him for all He has given me!