My name is Peggy, and this is my Testimony…

Do you want to be introduced to Jesus, my Lord and Savior? 

Several people were in my early life to point me to Jesus. By their love, concern, and prayers, God  

worked through time, until one revival service, when I was a teenager, I decided to accept His plan of salvation. The preacher took me to the side of the altar, using His Bible, read and explained several verses to me. (He had just done that in the sermon! See, I was listening. He was so concerned that I fully understood.  Thank you, Lord, for his dedication to the scriptures.)  

So, 1. Admit, 2. Believe 3. Confess – was how I repented of my sins, and asked Jesus to “save” me, trusting in His saving power on June 21, 1971. 

God has spared me from a lot of bad stuff that other people have experienced in life. 

Praise God! My Lord and Savior continually blesses me, and all my needs are met because of God’s grace and mercy. 

Despite my failures, God’s promises never fail. God will never leave or forsake you. 

Just claim God’s promises! You will find Jesus will “save” you, if you “trust and obey.” 


I know whom I have believed.

2 Timothy 1:12