My name is Sue, and this is my Testimony…

I was born in Clarkson, Kentucky in the middle of town in a little clinic.  I grew up down in the country as we used to say.  That country to me was East View, White Mills and Stephensburg.  Some of my happiest memories was from there with my Mamaw Noe.  She made the best potato candy and when I was there, she always made it for me.  I call her today my guardian angel.  She would sing Jesus Loves Me, and I would go to VBS as a child but I thought it was fun and it was but I still didn’t know the Lord yet…but my day was coming.  

I married at an early age and had my first child of three, at 16.  Wow, to think back to then, I thought I knew everything, but I was going to learn over the years I didn’t.  I married my high school sweetheart and we both were too young to be married and didn’t have to but my family situation was a bad one at home so I was glad to leave that behind.  But little did I know that my marriage would be full of infidelity from the start.  I would never believe what my beautiful thoughts of marriage would turn into.  After two boys and 10 years of marriage we divorced.  It was hard financially and emotionally.  

I was working and raising two boys and by the end of the day I was exhausted.  I would sit and play music on my reel to reel and listen on headphones as to not wake the boys.  I would sit and cry.  Eventually my landlady said enough, and she took me to a barn dance.  She said I needed to get out.  I met my husband of 41 years there.  He’s the love of my life but back then we were not living the lives we should be.  On the day we got married, I had a gallbladder attack and ended up at the ER.  The doc came in and told me we have good news and bad news. The good news was I was pregnant and because I was pregnant, they could not give me any medicine for it.  What a surprise to start off our marriage but we had our little girl in April of 1983.  Little did I know how our lives were getting ready to change.  

In July of 1983, my boys went to VBS.  Our oldest son got saved.  We were excited but not really sure what that meant.  I heard of it growing up and even went down the aisle of a big church with my best friend to get saved and I remember that day to this day.  My parents would not let me get baptized and that was the end of my growing at the time.  But back to our son.  The preacher from the church came to see my husband and I and to discuss his baptism and to see if we were saved and explain everything to us about what Jesus did for us.  God gave his only son, to die on that cross freely for us to take that burden of sin away.  How could He do that for me?  I didn’t have to do anything except repent, believe that He died on the cross for me and accept that free gift of Heaven and eternity with Him.  Wow!  He loved us that much!  That night he led us to the Lord and all three of us got baptized on the 4th of July weekend.  This started our journey with the Lord.  

Did our lives miraculously change? No and at times it was harder to explain to others why we weren’t doing what we used to.  Some made fun, some were happy.  We still had our ups and downs, but it was all learning to lean on God more and less on us.  Do we still sin?  Yes, but we realize it now and we are convicted and ask God to forgive us each and every day.  We won but we will never be plucked out of His hand.  He has us for this life and after we leave this world!  Has life been perfect?  No, but I can tell you without His love and guidance and great loving people that fed us with his Word, I don’t know where we would be today.  He has blessed us so much over these last 40 years and because of Him we can face any trials that come our way.  There is NOTHING that you could ever do to stop Jesus from loving you.  Its the hope you need especially in today’s world.  The Hope and Love of Jesus Christ!   The best gift ever and one that keeps on giving.  Let us tell you about Him and get something for free that will last an eternity.