My name is Taylor, and this is my Testimony…

Hi! My name is Taylor Stapleton. Born and raised here in Elizabethtown, KY. I have been blessed with two amazing parents, Tim and Cristy and one older brother, Trenton.

On March 9th, 2015, I was faced with the words no daughter ever wants to hear, my 38-year-old Dad was diagnosed with stage 3b colon cancer. I am not so sure I took those words in the first time I heard them. After realizing what the word cancer meant, I had total fear, unsure of what to think. On March 26th, 2015, my dad had surgery to remove his golf ball sized tumor. I was in fourth grade at the time, and I remember asking my teacher if I could text my mom checking up on him. Throughout the whole day, she continued to ask if I had heard anything. While eating lunch, I got the text that Dad has got out of surgery and all of his cancer was removed. Six weeks later, my dad started chemotherapy. He did routine chemo treatments for six months, eight rounds. Through all of the hard times we went through during those nine months, we knew it was all worth it in the end. I just wanted to have a happy healthy dad. He had scans every three months beyond that point showing up clear.

Until March 2019, Dad went for a normal routine scan and a mass had reappeared on his colon. When my parents sat down and told me that, my heart dropped once again. We weren’t sure that it was cancerous yet but after tests were ran, it did in-fact come back as cancer. That night I cried out to God, “Why him? Why my dad again God?” That next morning, I woke up, I just felt relief off of my shoulders. God said “Taylor, I have your Dad and he WILL get through this.” Sure enough, after having surgery for a second time and going through chemo treatments once again. Dad came out cancer free, All of the glory to God!!! The first scan after his second surgery, I remember texting my parents all day asking if they had gotten the results back. After the next school day, I walked through the front door and dad was sitting in his chair. I asked, “Have you gotten the results back yet?” Dad said, “Not yet.” I walked into the kitchen and prepared to get my homework ready to be completed just like any other day. As I sat down, Dad’s phone began to ring, I immediately jumped up. It was dad’s oncologist calling him, I stood in the kitchen entrance. Dad got a huge smile on his face, and I immediately knew, the scan was CLEAR.

That night, I praised and praised and praised God for working his magic once again. Since March 2015, not only I but my whole family has had a different outlook on life. Before then, I always had heard of the word God but never had a close nit relationship. Eight years later, I am closer to the Lord then I ever imagined myself being. We have been blessed to have found a church family here at The Grove. On September 29th 2019, I placed my life into the Lord’s hands and made the decision to change my life forever. Within just several months, many family members have gotten baptized and rededicated.

God is so good! Here we are eight years later, Dad is cancer free. Waymaker, Miracle Worker, Promise Keeper, That is who you are!