My name is Tim, and this is my Testimony…

My name is Tim Stapleton. I was born a Hoosier in the state of Indiana, but I truly have bled UK blue ever since I moved to Kentucky in the early 80’s. I was raised in Lebanon Junction KY, but I never truly grew up until a few years ago when I was faced with some devastating news not once but twice in my life. 

I am happily married to my wife and best friend in which we have been together for 22 years and married for 16. I have a stepson that I have raised since he was 1 years old who is in his early 20’s with two daughters and a wife of his own. Me and my wife also have an 18-year-old daughter together who just recently graduated high school with an associate degree from EC3 who is well on her way to becoming a teacher in the Hardin County School District. 

I did grow up believing that there was a higher power but never truly accepted Jesus in my heart until my early 20’s. I decided that I was ready to accept Jesus as my Lord and Savior after attending a church in Bullitt County after a few months. It was at this time of my life that I was baptized, and my life was instantly changed forever from a religious standpoint. I did put forth lots of effort in trying to become a better person as I would talk to God on a regular basis, and I would read my bible quite frequently.

As time went by though, and me still being a very young and immature young man, I did start to stray away from being a good Christian. I would lay down at night and pray for money, and more money, and even more money. I have always been a hard worker and was becoming quite frustrated with my financial situation as it seemed like I could never get ahead. I started having jealousy towards others and it was eating at me on a daily basis. As you can see, my life was no longer about living for my Lord and Savior, but my life was being lived out by greed. When all of this was taking place in my life, my marriage was suffering as well, as my financial frustration was being taken out on those closest to me.

In February of 2015 the first of two health scares came about as I was diagnosed with stage 3 colon cancer. All those years as I was pulling away from Jesus, it was at that moment that I knew I needed him back in my life. So I began that relationship with him once again, but this time it was different. I would not pray for money; I was praying aloud for God to save me. I was not ready to go. I was not ready to leave my wife and our children behind. So, I began to pray like I have never prayed before. I would lay in bed, crying for God to spare me, to give me another chance at life. This went on for a month as my surgery would not take place until mid-March that year.

March 26th, 2015, the day of surgery for battle #1

The day of my surgery, a story I have not spoken in great detail about, but something special did happen to me that morning. As I was on my way to the hospital, I felt like I had never been closer to God then I was that time. Most people who have never been to the hospital before or had surgery would be so terrified and scared, but I was not. I prayed and that morning God answered my prayers. I was so at ease, at peace, the nerves were gone. I felt relieved, surgery was about to take place, that golf ball size tumor was coming out of my body. As I was taken back to the room for surgery, as I was placed on the surgery table, that very moment, God sent an Angel to be by my side. Yes, it’s true, I did have a warm blanket placed over me as I was cold, but that very moment I felt the warmth of an Angel come over me, this Angel was right next to me, laid with me, comforted me, held me, wrapped their arms around me, and gave me such a feeling that I had never felt before. I knew right then, before I would be put to sleep that God had answered my prayers, I was going to be OK, I was going to survive.

When a young man over comes adversity and he starts to get comfortable in life again, we have a tendency to think we are invincible once again, like a young teenager behind the wheel of a car. I started to think that God and one of his Angels got me through my battle with cancer, that I don’t need him anymore. I mean I still prayed, but not like I needed to. I quit going to Church, I was comfortable that my life was going in the right direction. I got myself a new job, was making good money and money was my priority in life once again, this is where I went wrong once again in my life. My priority in life needed to stay with God and my family, and I was swaying away from the most significant things in life. 

March 2019 a life changing event once again took place in my life. A normal 6-month CT scan came back with yet another tumor in my body. Four years later and cancer had returned. My doctor on my last 6-month visit suggested that we could probably move my scans back to every year since I was nearly 4 years cancer free. Although he did give me the option to do one more at 6 months again if I felt more comfortable doing it this way. “God’s Work”, told me that very moment that I needed to have this scan done at 6 months, not one year. If I would have waited another additional 6 months, I quite possible may not be here today. 

Now one might think that anger would overtake me this time around, although I did have my weak moments once again, scared for my life, cried like a baby, I needed to pray. I needed God back in my life like never before. Why did I close that door and pretend like I did not need God for the past 4 years. God was there for me when I needed him the most back in 2015, why would I think that I don’t need him 4 years later more importantly for the rest of my life here on earth? I was wrong, I made a huge mistake. I mean I still believed, I still prayed daily, but I was not living the life that God wanted me to live. 

Fast forward to today, after going through yet another trial in my life with another surgery, more treatment, I have opened that door once again to allow God back into my life. This life we live is all based on God’s timing. I am living proof today that even if you screw up, and you disrupt God’s timing, he forgives, and he will get your life back on track if you allow him back into your life. That door is opened for good. My heart is full, my family is in church, we have found our church home, I am blessed, I am happy, I am loved, and I am living the good life as a Christian. I am not perfect but I strive to be better each and every day. I am a child of God and God loves me just the way I am. 

I have accepted God as my Lord and Savior and my relationship with God has never been stronger than it is today. My cup runneth over……….