My name is Tracie, and this is my Testimony…

Jesus loves me this I know – for the Bible tells me so, my Mom and Dad told me so, my Sunday School teachers, GA leaders and Vacation Bible School teachers told me so along with countless other people who have loved me during my life.  It never crossed my mind in my 52 years on this Earth that Jesus did not love me.  I knew it, believed it and went on with life.

As I did my “own” thing growing up – when where and how “I” wanted to do it; I never asked myself this question:  Jesus loves me, but did I love Jesus?  I am ashamed to say that I have taken my relationship with Jesus for granted and that it is a relationship between me and Him – no one else.  Yes, I know He loves me, died for me, saved me from my sins and provides His grace and mercy to me daily, but what did I give Him in return?

Jesus wants me, all of me, just the way I am.  He created me for His purpose and through prayers and abiding in His presence and Word, I grow deeper in love with Him daily.  Just as He loves me, He loves you too.  Come to know Jesus as your personal Lord and Savior and develop that relationship between you and Him.

Yes, Jesus Loves Me and I Love Jesus!